Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
You Love Owls
Even though you only kind of liked owls and that was like 10 years ago.
Thank You, Portland

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Portland Wife
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Vampre Weekend: Contra
Monday, October 19, 2009
This is what Cuba wraps our Vicodin in
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Murderholics Anonymous
Friday, October 2, 2009
Kurt & Me

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
list no.2 things I saw on my walk home from the factory

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
list no.1 splitting up

1. Downtown
-Bar 107, La Cita, Pete’s Café, Banquette-mine
-L.A. Café, The Down n’ Out, Bermuda Café-yours
-Stuart’s apartment first floor and balcony-mine
-Stuart’s apartment second and third floor-yours
-Brooke’s apartment-split
-The Smell-mine
-Five Star Bar-yours
-Warung café- split
-Main St. between 4th and 7th-mine
-Main St. between 7th and Olympic-yours
-Spring St.-split
-MOCA Grand Ave-mine
-Museum of Neon Art-yours
-Geffen Contemporary-split
-Pershing Square during summer and spring-yours
-Pershing Square during ice skating season-mine
-Little Tokyo-mine
-Arts District-yours
-China Town-split (except for Hop Louie-mine)
2. Echo Park
-Little Joy-mine
-Short Stop-yours
-Gold Room-mine
-El Prado-split
-The Park for jogging-mine
-The Lake for paddle boating-yours (this was a tough concession)
3. Silverlake
-mostly mine
-Intelligentsia on Sunset-mine!!!
-Vegan House-yours
-Farmer’s Market on Lucille-yours
-Sunset Junction Festival-mine
4. The West Side
-Santa Monica, you can have it-yours
-The Marina-mine
-Abbot’s Habit Coffee Shop-yours
-Intelligentsia on Abbot Kinney-split
-The Brig-yours
-The Other Room-yours
-Rooster Fish-split
-Westminster between Abbot Kinney and Main-yours
-Westminster between Main and the beach-mine
5. Trader Joe’s
-Culver City-yours
-South Pasadena-split (we may need to go there someday)
6. Whole Foods
-On Santa Monica-yours
-On Fairfax-mine
-On Lincoln-split
Author's Disclaimer: This list is but a joke. I love you very much and I hope you are doing splendidly. If it was up to me we would co-habitate harmoniously in all of our favorite spots across the city and the world. Infinite Xs and Os.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Compton Baby

I find a lot of good shit. I remember the night I found this prison letter. It was Summer and Greg's friends were gathering at an ancient Downtown watering hole which had recently been made new again by promises of continued yuppie influx and expertly trained mixologists, fluent in the language of nostalgic libations and spirits of yester-year.
We gathered to see Greg off to La Ciudad de Mexico. I was nervous. Steffi would surely be amongst the well-wishers. I brought gifts. A billfold of crocodile leather for the nearly departed and for Steffi I arranged a bottle of French perfume and a book of poetry that was very uniquely American.
I found the letter, which originated in prison and was bound for an outsider, on a strip of Los Angeles Street that transforms nightly to a sort of hobo encampment. I picked up the still-sealed envelope and slipped it into a designer bag which, much like the letter, I had no business carrying.
It wasn't until weeks later that I opened the letter to an audience of 2 on the Intelligentsia patio.
The letter was authored by an incarcerated individual who referred to himself as Compton Baby.
Compton Baby wrote, with much tenderness, to a man he called New Orleans
Black people really love to refer to each other by the names of cities that they may be associated with.
Black people love to call me Red. I know this and I do not try to discourage it. Sometimes people call me Ginger. I don't really mind this either. I don't mind what you call me as long as it's not Late for Supper
Below I've included images of the actual letter along with a transcription. Please see my translation notes in red.

What’s up New Orleans: (This should be a comma but who’s counting?)
Well hom’me (homie?)
When you get this letter it fine (find?) you & your family in the best of God(‘s) Care.
How did you like the program? It(‘)s better then(than) jail anyday as you know
I’m getting ready for trail(unless his jailers are preparing him for a forced cattle drive through the barren West, I think he means trial) anyday now
Say(,) David man it’s time for something new cause the game down there is over with
It’s time to think on bigger thing(s) hom’me life is to(o) good when you give it a chance
Man I
Been down here 9mo fighting this dope case with no dope or no mark(ed?) money ,(.) I see them trying them giving people program with dope & mark(ed?) money I cant get a good lawyer to push it for me
Out come but that’s(oh, NOW he embraces the rules of the contraction) how the ball go(I think this is a mangled metaphor of some sort) but one thing us meeting I kept it real with you when you left me (WARNING: this where the letter veers tragically gay!!!) I made sure you had yours ( I bet, Pal)
That’s what real brothers do by keeping it real you don’t find to(o) many like me ! That’s why I’m a “Soldier” Wooole(I think this word is a an antyempt at using a artifact of Southern vernacular. They use this word similarly to the way we may use “dude”)
Brother When I get out of here hopefully soon we have to really kick it on some real brother shit Compton & New Orleans you know?
Well baby Boy I gotta look over some of my paperwork (what he’s crunched for time? Too much paper work? Is he a fuckin’ Tax attorney now?)hoping to get my lawyer to really help me
Your Real Homm’me(Homie),
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
i'm not sad

Saturday, September 5, 2009
This trick you do
Thursday, September 3, 2009
journal entry
I rode to work today. Because I haven’t touched my bicycle in so long it had begun to atrophy, its muscles were tired and it’s tires low.
Maria was sleeping in the other room.
As I pumped, a repetitive thumping pulsated from the hallowed wood floor, filling the apartment. It sounded like an oak-limbed pirate splurging his scurvy in rhythm, his one non-patched eye rolling back in his skull.
Once the pirate had cum and my tires had firmed I rode away.
The pre-storm California air felt good on my skin. The hills propelled me west and Melrose hugged my left side.
You were on my mind. A week ago we had arrived in Paradise, my paranoia had begun to subside and my calf-skin loafers had begun to fill up with sand as white and squeaky as lab mice. Your normally pin-straight hair splayed down your back, curving from the humidity. Your nose was shiny and your eyes were clay-red and speckled as ever.
I thought about your colors. My cogs spun and La Cienega fast approached.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
burgers n' shit
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sedona Brand Cat Nip
The subsequent line of questioning is usually pointed at the pets we reared. “Was it a household full of cats?” and the answer to that would be no. My father was a dog-man through and through. Big dogs in fact; Alaskan malamutes. The Sonoran Desert is an odd backdrop for an Alaskan malamute. One wouldn’t expect to see such a canine, large and majestic with bushy white and black two-toned fur, all the defining characteristics of a great wolf, there among the saguaros and sage brush. One of our malamutes, named Caleb once killed a neighbor’s pit bull when the dog jumped our fence and threatened several of the area children that my mom would babysit at the time to make ends meet. Caleb grabbed the terrier by the back of the neck and shook the dog ‘till it went limp and its body flailed with the trajectory of the attack. That, however, is a different story, all together.
Friday, August 28, 2009
El Ranchito
We took my Olds Mobile because I wanted to take a hit from the Arizona Iced Tea can that I had malformed into a weed pipe.
Casey asked if the Olds was my O.G. car, like from Arizona. I explained that it was from Arizona but it was not my O.G. California car. My O.G. car was a beautiful 1994 Thunderbird, snow white and low to the ground. It was the type of car that Tron would drive when he wasn’t mounting laser bikes that travel at ferocious speeds, leaving laser-colored jet streams in their wake.
I told him that at the time that I drove the Thunderbird my only job was selling pot. This was an awesome job because it left me with lots of time to explore other interests. The only down side was my close proximity to all sorts of other delicious and tempting drugs. These drugs often took a lot of the time for activities that I was afforded by vocational choice of being a pot dealer.
Steffi was in school at the time and I would wake up every morning, after doing lots of exciting drugs the night before, to drive her the 4 or so miles to USC from Downtown.
On one such morning I was returning to our Downtown apartment when I was smashed with a wave of nausea from the previous night’s ecstasy or vicodin or some fucking mix of salvia and opium.
I began to puke out the window and for some reason had a knee-jerk reaction that caused me to swerve the T-Bird to the right every time I leaned my head to the left, to huck out of the window. It was a very strange reaction, the swerve corrected itself in the exact same degree as my head returning to postion, post-huck.
I was pulling into the underground parking lot of the Pegasus building on 6th where I then lived when I spewed one last puke n’swerve, this time hitting an exposed water pipe and screeching to a halt dead center in my own reserved parking spot.
I was concerned that my car was totaled and I was concerned about the water that was now quickly rising in the basement of the Pegasus but my main concern was getting the fuck out of there.
About a week later the manager of the Pegasus called me into his office, leaned very close to me over his big, oak desk and explained that he knew what had happened in the basement.
“I’m not going to do anything, but I know it was you that hit that water main and flooded the basement”
“I just don’t want you to think you got away with it”, he said.
“if you're not going to do anything then I sorta did get away with it”, I thought .
eat my butt
You want to me to acquire a fork, a knife and eat your rear-end?
Devour it, consume it like so many chile verde burritos at El Ranchito.
This is what you’d like me to do so that you’d have nowhere to sit?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Soldier of Crist
World Headquarters, AA employees are far
more religious then I had remembered. I don't
however believe that they will be winning any
spelling bees soon.
About three weeks ago Tory called me and informed me that he had pulled off what I thought to be an impossible task, he had won back for me my coveted slot with American Apparel. I had done a couple fun things during my six month leave but it was no secret that I missed the hustle, the bustle and the off-the-cuff creative flash flood that was an average weekday at the "big, pink factory". It truly was and is an unprecedented corporate experiment; Meryl Lynch on acid, in a tank-thong.
I'm wrapping up my second week. I now share an office at Sequoia with two boys. In the interest of their anonymity I will call my new(and much beloved) office mates Surfer Hulk and Maniac-Face. If you come visit me I will let you break a sweat deliberating which is which.
I remembered a poem, which I wrote merely weeks ago but which has achieved a greater level of obsolescence than the mac mini I use to type this correspondence. If you know me you would know that I believe that obsolescence should never blockade proliferation.
ode to my old job
I used to be a product developer for American Apparel, the greatest fashion label of our generation. A technical designer, really, I fit garments, calculated costing and decided between elastics with the best of them. One day, during a particularly rigorous fitting session, I pricked my middle and index fingers on a straight pin and found that I had technically designed myself out of a job. My factory issue blackberry still in my left hand, nostalgia is often delivered in alternating wafts of sheer jersey and taco truck asada.
rules for new blog
The way eye see it
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
lots of vicodin

for stephanie:
your eyes are an oriental rug in a rich family's foyer